Eurydice’s Shadow: awaiting in Hades.

Dancer: Idoya Rossi
Camera: David Linuesa
Filmmaking & Postproduction: Blas Payri
Music excerpt from Austin Yip.

“La Sombra de Eurídice” is a video-art and video-dance short film that delves into the elusive boundaries between reality and shadow. Dancer Idoya Rossi engages in a fluid and ever-changing dance that harmonizes with the dynamic movements of the camera, resulting in a captivating interplay of movement and perspective.

The narrative is inspired by the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, where Eurydice descends to the underworld, and Orpheus attempts to bring her back to the realm of the living. In this contemporary interpretation, the focus is on Eurydice’s shadow awaiting in the depths of Hades.

The postproduction work plays a pivotal role, transforming Idoya’s character into shadows that dance on both dark and white backgrounds. These shadowy forms evoke a sense of duality, representing the liminal space between life and death, reality and illusion. The visual effects enhance the ethereal quality of the performance, inviting viewers to question the boundaries of perception.